Sunday, 29 July 2012

Donations coming in all shapes and forms...20% profit to Milly's causes.

I posted this on the facebook page -you could nip along and like it if you haven't already :-)) 

Lynn here...Just a quickie :-) Running totals so far... £144.00 cash from the Justgiving page...Alan's workmates.... money collected collected already £ 221.50, sponsorship money still to come in around £65.00. Running total £430.00!! There is a chance that Alan will be able to go round another office in his complex and raise some more. Huge thanks and big love to Al's bosses for letting him spend time doing it and to all the staff who donated so generously ♥

One of Alan's colleagues called Lisa wrote Alan an email. She has given permission for it to be used here. 

It is lovely to hear Children now getting involved in fundraising activities for such a worthwhile cause. I lost my Gran some years ago to Cancer and more recently my Father in law in March this year. I would be more than happy to sponsor your daughter. 

(True to her word Lisa has made a generous donation via the Justgiving page<3)

I sell a range of cards, gift wrap, stationary etc. I donate my *profit* to various charities as this is the reason I started doing it. I used to have a basket at work until the beginning of the year as items started going missing unfortunately. I donated any orders to the hardship fund and later in the year I am doing an event at HMRC Lilyhall for a similar cause. The reason I am waffling is, if your daughter is doing any events or you know of anyone interested in looking for their Xmas gift wrap and cards ( yes, I have already sold some in July!) as well as  every day cards etc. I am more than willing to donate my 20% to help your daughter raise her money.

The website to have a look at is

I will have my Xmas catalogue's over the next 2-3 weeks but I have some Xmas stock already. 
Many thanks, Lisa. 

So yet another way to help Milly get to her total with the very kind gesture from Lisa <3 
 I am such a last minute kind of person with Birthdays etc that it would be great to have a stock of them in and I am going to get ahead of the game this year and order some Xmas cards and wrap and of course 20% will then go to the charities :-)) 

Thursday, 26 July 2012


Hiya, it's Milly :D

How are you all?

I didn't know dad was taking in a sponsor ship sheet to his work today, so when he came home with two Bag's FULL of money I was SUPER surprised! He sent an email around his (large) office, with a request to help me in my fundraising, telling them about me: IE my age, why I'm doing this, and what I'm doing it for, oh, yeah and the profile picture of my Facebook page :D People came to his desk and told him they cried when they read the email *Blushes* they also said I was amazing!! And guess how much I raised..... *Beats a drum* I got £220!!!!!!!!! And there is more to come from another office! I was overwhelmed..  Thankyou to everyone who has donated! xxx ~ Stay strong and shine on! xx <3

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Moving along... Step one... Online Auction....

Ideas are flowing and things are beginning to take shape...
The first idea to be put into action was an idea by another Home educating Mum who is a friend on facebook. 

The idea is to hold an online auction. 
People donate - in this instance it will be hand made craftiness :-) - then we set a date and get the word out for people to check out all the items and bid on them. 

We have got as far as requesting donations. I do find this quite a difficult thing to do but Mel set the ball rolling on Milly's facebook Charity page and a couple of people donated quickly. That gave me courage to go ahead and ask others ... Cos if you don't ask you don't get :-))

5 people have pledged to donate items so far and they are spreading the word so I hope to have more soon. 

This idea of Milly's is growing and the most wonderful by product for me is the joy it is giving to us...The connection with others, the generosity of strangers and friends both online and in real life. 

Every day someones generosity or their willingness to help fills our heart and spurs us on to do more.

I am pushing myself beyond my comfort zone to make this experience count and to raise as much money as we possibly can. 
The idea we had at the start was to hire the village hall and have an afternoon tea where we would sell cakes etc before shaving Milly's hair. This idea has been growing and we are aiming higher ...
More on that if and when the ideas we have are able to be put into operation...

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Donation's are coming in a number of ways :-)

A letter arrived this morning and tucked in alongside the letter was this :-) 
( Sorry for the picture quality! ) 
It was a little envelope sealed with wax.

What a lovely way to receive a donation <3

Thanks to a very lovely and generous young lady.
 Tabby you are a star <3

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Hi there, Deputy Lynn here :-) We have photocopied the sponsor sheets and have sent out the first ones with my Mum who is going to ask her friends and workmates to sponsor Milly. We have also made up a poster with Milly's blog and Justgiving details on it so the people she asks can read it and then check up on her blog if they want to follow the fundraising journey. A few other ideas for events to raise funds were suggested by my lovely Hairdresser Kelly today. Got to do some thinking about it and talk to a few people but will keep you informed if anything comes of it. ♥

Monday, 16 July 2012

Another Charity added to the fundraising page!

Milly and Alan took off for a hike yesterday and I took the opportunity to take a long hot bath...
I do some of my best thinking relaxing in the water...As I thought about Milly's fundraising and her empathy with the character in the film I wondered if there were any Charities that supplied free wigs for children with Cancer.

A google search found 
I spent some time reading through their website and thought Milly would be interested in it.

I talked to Milly when they returned and she was keen to raise some money for them too! 
Sooo... We have set up a justgiving Team page  including both Charities so people can choose which to donate to <3
I have added links to both pages on the sidebar.
Here is her team page.


Sunday, 15 July 2012

Lynn here :-))
We have been thinking of ideas to keep the blog updated and to get more people reading with the hope that will encourage people to donate and we can raise as much money as possible for Cancer research.

Milly wrote this on her JustGiving page

A few months ago I watched the film "My Sister's Keeper" About a girl with cancer, it touched me deeply, there was a bit were she was saying she was a freak for being bald and I thought about it and got to this, shaving my hair off for cancer research charity.

We are very aware that Milly is making a choice to loose her hair and that many people with Cancer don't have that choice.
As we share Milly's story of her fundraising efforts we thought it would apt to hear from people who have been through / still going through Cancer to hear their story about the process of loosing their hair and how it affected them.

We don't mean to be insensitive. 
Nor do we want to make light of the situation - unless of course that is part of your story and how you coped.  

If you feel that you would be able to write your story and share it on here or I would love to hear from you.
If  you know of someone who may feel able to please pass on this request. 
You can write it and send it to me to be posted on the blog. 
My email is 

" Stay strong and shine on" <3

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Please, Please, Please!

Hey! This is my donation page. I would love it if you could donate, even if its only a bit, even fifty P :D xx

All my love, Milly. Stay strong and shine on!! xx <3 xx


Hello, my name is Milly, and on the 12th of December 2012 I'm shaving my hair off for Cancer Research :D

Here is my page on Facebook:

Me and my mum are just setting up somewhere for people to sponsor me, so bear with! xxx 

All my love, Milly. Stay strong and shine on! xx <3