From the Little Princess trust Website...
Little Princesses was started by the parents of Hannah Tarplee, her school and friends after Hannah sadly died in June 2005. Hannah was diagnosed as having a Wilms tumour and despite a brave battle; she eventually succumbed to the disease.
After Hannah died, so many people were offering help, financially and practically that Hannah’s parents, Wendy & Simon decided that the most fitting way to use this help was to start a charity dedicated to providing specialist children’s wigs – like so many ‘Little Princesses’, Hannah loved her hair and losing it was very traumatic.
At that time, finding specialist, high quality wigs for children was very difficult and only after a long search was a suitable company found who eventually made a wig for Hannah – something she enjoyed wearing, especially for special events. This company is now one of Little Princesses many suppliers.
Since its inception, the charity has now helped many children and continues to do so. We have now got suppliers throughout the UK, all of whom produce fantastic wigs. We continue to look for new suppliers all the time.
Wendy and Simon continue to help run the charity in conjunction with the other trustees, Tim Lowe who is the former headmaster of Hereford Cathedral Junior School and Tracey Prosser who also helps run Peter Prosser Hairdressing – a highly successful hair dressing company in Hereford.
The trust has many committed members who help with all aspects of running the trust and is always looking for